
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Party

The date of December 5th has been weighing on me because I knew that the church Christmas party that I was in charge of was set to occur that day. The day is now over and I'm enjoying a relaxing evening on the couch!

Somehow, everything came together and with the help from friends, we pulled off an enjoyable (I hope!) party.

My friend, Cathi, was absolutely amazing with coming up with ideas for the decorations. We had a lot of fun pulling everything together.

Here's a look at the "before"picture of the room.The centerpieces were my favorite part of all of the decorating. We spray painted branches and sprinkled them with silver glitter while the paint was still wet. They had a nice sparkle, but were not over glittery.

We then filled glass vases with the branches and filled the vase with sand that was purchases at Home Depot. We finished off the centerpieces with clear jewels and red and silver ornament balls all tied with fishing line.
The food was served family style on each table. We did this to avoid long buffet lines for our 160+ party guests.

We did set up a table for all of the scruptious desserts. Doesn't it look so pretty?
See the white curtain in the background? We lined one wall with white plastic tablecloths. I bought 1 roll of the plastic at Sam's Club for only $15. It's an inexpensive way to really add some drama to a room. So many people thought that we had hung a real fabric curtain.
One final touch that I think really helped give the room an elegant feel was stringing white lights across the room. Each end of the room had a basketball hoop that we could raise/lower. We tied a rope to each of the basketball backboards and then laid 7 stands of lights across the rope. We raised the basketball hoops and stapled the ends of the lights to the wall. Here's a little look at what it looked like.
This was very fun, but I'm happy we are finished. Now onto the next project. Where should I begin?


  1. oh wow! gorgeous decorations!!! you did awesome!

  2. this looks FANTASTIC--congrats that it's over! :)

  3. Gorgeous girl! Love it and I bet everyone else did too! They are blessed to have you there! miss you!

  4. wow everything looks beautiful, you have such an eye for decorating!
