
Friday, December 11, 2009

Gingerbread House

Right now I am sitting near my kids' finished gingerbread houses and can smell the yummy gingerbread aroma. Mmmm....I think gingerbread needs to be made soon!

This afternoon, I put together this layout of the gingerbread house creation. The photos are all 2" X 3". I love this size of photo because it is easier to fit more photo on a page without narrowing it down to only a couple of favorite shots.These were printed at home on my Canon printer. I really only use my photo printer when I need a photo right away, but it really is so convenient, I should use it more.

Tonight is a date night with my cool husband! We are going to one of our all time favorite restaurants, Bario Cafe, and then to a Phoenix Sun game.

This is what I plan on having for dessert.
Photo Source
I very rarely get dessert while eating out, but this is one of my top 5 desserts ever. So it can't be passed up!

Should be a really fun night!

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