
Sunday, January 31, 2010

Life By Chocolate Cupcakes

We made these cupcakes this weekend thanks to a yummy recipe from the Pioneer Woman.

Our favorite part of the cupcakes was the delicious surprise in the center of cupcakes >>> a Hershey's Kiss.
The kids helped me put these together, so they look a little messy, but they tasted really good.
We didn't have the heavy cream needed for the frosting in the recipe, so I just mixed up a regular chocolate buttercream frosting. Next time I definitely want to use the frosting in the recipe because I love ganache. It's so rich as creamy.This recipe is for regular sized cupcakes, but we made mini cupcakes. I love mini cupcakes. I think it's because I can eat more cake without feeling like I'm eating as much.

The cupcakes took longer that just mixing up a cake mix, but I think the extra time was worth it.

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