
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Want a Free Scrapbook Circle Janaury Kit?

I have been having so much fun with my SC January kit, so I thought it would be fun to share one with someone else.
Just leave a comment about one thing you are looking forward to in 2010.

One thing I'm looking forward to this year is seeing my sister and her family who live in Virginia. It's been over a year since we've seen them and we really miss them. It will be great to be together.

If you want to be entered to win, please leave your comment by this Sunday, January 10th, at 10:oo p.m. MST.

I'll announce the winner next Monday!


  1. In 2010, i look forward to cultivating the relationship with my family, individual time with my children and husband. They are all so unique and enrich my life, i can't wait to see what they'll teach me this year!

  2. It may sound crazy, but I'm looking forward to my 40th birthday!

  3. I am expecting a baby (#3) in about 10 days so far that is what I am looking forward to the most!!!! Secondly, I'm looking forward to scrappin' with the new Jan kit if I win!!!haha! :)

  4. I'm looking forward to the birth of my granbaby, Logan, sometime in March. Happy 2010!

  5. i'm lookinf forward to a job...a life....and loving everyone around me more :}

  6. I am looking forward to watching my little twinnies grow and hoping i can enjoy every step of the way without being bogged down by negative emotions.

  7. I just read your post & was thinking the same! I just got an email to confirm it too! My sister is coming for a visit w/her 2 kids in March! I can't wait! It's been 3 yrs since we've seen eachother! I know TOO long-----

  8. I'm looking forward to experiencing the growth of my twin girls and trying new things with them and developing family traditions and memories together. I'm very excited for their 1st birthday on May 1st! :)

  9. Our 15 year wedding annivesary, although haven't figure our where or when we are going on vacation since we have crazy schedules.

    jlh774 at gmail dot com

  10. I'm looking forward to spending more QUALITY time with my family...& hopefully celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary with a tropical vacation of some sort!!! Thanks for the chance to win...your kits are amazing Lisa!

  11. I'm looking forward to the arrival of my 3rd grandchild in the summer! So exciting!!!! I really want to start scrapping pink!!! LOL! Your kits look gorgeous - I may have to take the plunge... TFS!

  12. I'm looking forward to my husband graduating with his PhD-- and then we're moving-- somewhere-- We don't know where yet, but I'm so excited for a new adventure with him :)
    Thanks for the chance to win!! The kit looks fantastic :)

  13. I'm looking forward to mine and my husband's 20th wedding anniversary!!! I don't even feel old enough to have been married that long!! I can't wait we're celebrating with Michael Buble tickets... my husband ROCKS!!!

  14. Please, I don't want to be the winner! Thank you for being grateful to see us!!! love you.

  15. I'm looking forward to focusing on the moment more this year. I learned a lot last year and I'm ready to put what i learned into action!

  16. What a generous giveaway! I'd love to win! I'm looking forward to our family going on a well deserved, long overdue vacation this April! (Happy Birthday to me! lol)

  17. I am looking forward to spending time with my son before he starts kindergarten in August! I am looking forward to spending time with family and friends! I am looking forward to potty training my youngest! I am looking forward to scrapping more pages. :) Thanks for the chance to win.

  18. I'm looking forward to my first year being a full-time stay-at-home-mom. I've been a SAHM for several months now, but this will be the first official *year*. I'm very excited and grateful for the opportunity to be home with my kiddos. Thanks for a chance to win the kit!

  19. Thank you so much for given us a chance to win such a wonderful kit. The one thing I look foward to this 2010 is the memories that will be made. Each year my family suprises me with new and priceless stories and memories. With this kit, i can begin that journey to express and create wonderful pages and projects to tell those stories!! Oh, I do hope I win for this would be a great start to the New Year!!

  20. I'm looking forward to beginning the journey to motherhood this year. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  21. I am looking forward to moving into our house which we have been building for 2 years... I so need my own place again and move out of the in laws. thanks for the chance to win... it is an awesome kit!

  22. I look forward to going back to Ky to visit FIL and the rest of hubsters family there... it has been 3 years, and we're way overdue getting back there. Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  23. This year I am looking forward to the possibility of becoming a mommy!!

  24. I am looking forward to getting out of debt this year!!!!

  25. Thanks for the chance to win this YUMMY kit!!! This year I am looking forward to traveling more as a family. Now that my little ones are a bit older we plan to do more of it!!

  26. What a beautiful kit! I am looking forward to my #2 kid turning 8! So excited for this milestone birthday.

  27. Beautiful kit. I'm looking forward to warmer weather. Seriously, I'm so done with winter already!

  28. Thanx for the opportunity. I'd love to try out this kit club.
    I'm looking forward to a hot, dry summer in 2010. The last couple summers have been cool and wet but I think we deserve a good one after the winter we're experiencing. Fingers crossed the weatherman agrees :)

  29. What a great giveaway!! I already get the SBC kits and they are FAB!!! I'd love to win this and give it to my Scrappin' Friend, who drools all over my SBC kits every month!

  30. Awesome kit! One thing I'm looking forward to in 2010 is my wedding in July!!!

  31. Thanks you for the chance to win this terrific kit. I'm looking forward to more organization. This week I'm going to start a journal and set some goals! Thanks for the help in this! Val from IL.

  32. I am looking forward to a new crafty space and setting some weekly goals :) Thanks for the cool prize!

  33. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh how fun!!! i am looking forward to going to CHA in a couple of weeks....nervous but excited!! LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  34. Looking forward to seeing my mum, haven't seen her in 10 years so I am planning to be able to process her traveling documents to get her here for her 70th birthday.

  35. I am soooo looking forward to the birth of my 1st niece/or nephew in May. I'm really also looking forward to my son getting his driver's license this year (although I am nervous). I remember how cool that was when I was a teen, so I'm happy for the joy it will bring him.

  36. oh, goodness me - i have seen snippets of this kit used in my pallies' projects and it's GORGEOUS! thanks for the opportunity, Lisa!

    something i'm looking forward to this year - beginning the process of getting our house ready for the market in spring 2011. i can't WAIT to move into a bigger house, where i'll have my own crafty space! :)

    happy new year!

  37. I'm looking forward to being a SAHM to my DD. My job is relocating to Denver and DH and I decided to decline the move.

  38. I am looking forward to the possibilty of selling our house & getting a bigger one!

  39. I am looking forward to working on my OLW - "relax". Not as in vacation relax but I need to learn to not take everything so seriously, not get so easily angry at things that shouldn't make me angry, not stressing so hard about every l/o I make. Love this kit!

  40. I am looking forward to getting into some new crafts!

  41. That is a beautiful kit!! Thanks for the chance to win!
    There are so many things I'm looking forward to... but I think the biggest is opening up that brand new swimming pool in my backyard that we had put in back in September... we are going to throw a huge pool party!

  42. I have something HUGE to look forward to this year. I am expecting my first baby on April 30th!

  43. Lovely kit!
    I am looking forward to babies! My cousin and best friend are both expecting and I can't wait to meet them!
    Also, going to Bolivia on a service-learning trip with my program at school. I'm beyond excited for that experience.

  44. looking forward to starting a family, I hope!

  45. I'm looking forward to so many things! Mainly though to enjoy the time with my kids as best I can. They grow so fast!

  46. I am looking forward to spending more time with my family and making more time to scrapbook.

  47. I'm looking forward to seeing my kids happy and my husband happier with his job! and better health. and plenty of fun scrapping time!
    thanks for the opportunity... have a good wheee-kend!

  48. I look forward to making some family memories with my brother and his wife, who just had twin boys! We've never been a close family so what better time than the present?

    Thanks for blogging!

  49. I'm looking forward to spending time with my husband. I also am looking forward to where the Lord is going to take us....with worshiping...and my husband's songs/cd....and my crafts. I can't wait;) Thanks for the giveaway!

  50. Looking forward to spending time with my daugher in 2010. Thanks for the give away.

  51. I am looking forward to going to Disney with one of my dd for her birthday. It will be really nice to have some one on one time with her!!

    Thanks for the giveaway!!

  52. I am looking forward to creating a lot of fun stuff! I am also looking forward to seeing my sister from Cali when she comes to visit!

  53. The kit looks Great!
    Looking forward to achieve my goals this year.

  54. This is a beautiful kit! Thanks for sharing.
    A personal goal is to have fun getting more scrapbooking pages done.

  55. This kit is awesome!
    I am looking forward to learning more about scrapbooking and becoming more creative. I just didn't know what could be done with paper. I do so love beautiful paper.

  56. Hopefully 2010 brings me lots of scrapbooking goodies and great opportunities too. It would be great also to win a contest in 2010...hint hint...LOL.

  57. What a beautiful kit! I'm looking forward to project 365 this year. I'm doing it with my ten year old daughter and I love doing a long project like that together, I can't wait to look back at our year together when we're all done!

  58. I'm looking forward to another great year with my husband and kids! Disneworld- here we come!

  59. Love this kit!! I am looking forward to more family time and getting to work on my scrapbooks.

  60. I'm looking forward to a MUCH NEEDED vacation to Hawaii this summer!

  61. I am looking forward to my family cruise in November - the whole family is going and will be exciting.

  62. I am so looking foreward to starting school again in April!! It is going to be amazing!

  63. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to win a kit! It look so fun! My goal this year is to get my photos out of the box and into their respective albums! I have all the albums, just need to get moving! The new kit would help with this! :)

    Lisa Goldman

  64. I just saw the new cuttlebug folders. I love them. I also like Tim Holz's products. I have a goal of finishing my dad's and my mom's scrapbooks on them growing up and meeting. Any products to help would be great!
