
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Be Mine Valentine

I've been having so much fun this week playing with my Silhouette and black fuzzy vinyl. With glass jars from IKEA and the Silhouette, I've come up with some simple and sweet valentine gifts for my kids' teachers.
I used this House of 3 Valentine Dingbat font along with my own fonts that I have on my computer. I just typed out the images I wanted and let the Silhouette do all of the cutting work for me.The first thing into the jars was sugar. Rhonna did this on some similar jars and I loved how it looked! What do you think?I then layered Valentine M&Ms (both plain and peanut.) I also put in a few dark chocolate M&M's. The dark chocolate comes in shades of purple, pink and white. Love the purple!
I topped the M&M's with chocolate covered pretzels. Costco is selling big bags of Hershey's chocolate covered pretzels right now. They are so delicious, I had to show serious restraint not eat the entire bag myself.

All of these jars came together last night. Super easy and fun!


  1. these turned out great! I'm working on the kid's teachers gifts today. Should be fun!
