
Friday, February 5, 2010

Mexico City

My husband and I were fortunate to get to go to Mexico City last September. My husband was speaking at a conference and I got to tag along.

We were able to spend two fulls days exploring in and around the city. It was so beautiful and green (at least very green compared to Phoenix!) and so full of history.

A couple of days ago I realized that I hadn't done anything with any of our photos from the trip.

I printed off a few of my favorite photos and did a collage on a layout.I plan on using a few other pictures to help me tell some of the stories from our trip. My purpose of this layout was just to share some of the sites and colors we experienced on our trip.

Everything on this layout came from the February Scrapbook Circle kit.

1 comment:

  1. the colors really compliment the photos! love how you used the die-cut paper.
