
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Our Weekend + Scrapbook Circle March Peeks

How has your weekend been? We've been happily busy.

We had 2 soccer games yesterday morning where we braved rain and wind. We were totally not prepared for bad weather and nearly froze. Well, in AZ "nearly freezing" is around 54 degrees, so it wasn't too terrible!

We had friends come over for dinner last night. We grilled up a bunch of chicken and carne asada for tacos and burritos PLUS one other special ingredient...cactus! We saw it at the grocery store and couldn't resist grilling it up.It kind of tasted like a green bean. It wasn't great, but wasn't bad either.This afternoon I had some time to play with the upcoming Scrapbook Circle March kit! The colors are so bright and happy.
I made one layout with the kit tonight that I will share tomorrow after taking a photo of it in decent light.

More info on the kit is here.

Looking forward to a great week!

1 comment:

  1. wow i didn't even know that you could eat cactus! lol.
    i love your new layout with the march kit, awesome cardboard idea! The kit looks amazinggg!!! :D
