
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bringing Spring Inside

I've really been enjoying the beautiful spring weather we are having. It seems like everywhere I look, there are beautiful spring flowers. I decided that some of those beautiful flowers should come inside my house so I could enjoy them all day long.

While I was at IKEA a couple of days ago, I decided to browse the vases and found some that I really liked. They are about 7 inches high, cream colored and have different patterns on them. And a bonus: they were only $2 each!
I bought 8 and lined them along the window sill in my kitchen. They each have a couple of flowers in them.I'm thinking that once the fresh flowers die, I may replace them with artificial flowers. Then again, keeping the vases filled could be a great excuse to always have fresh flowers in the house.


  1. so lovely and simply beautiful!!!!

  2. okay, this is just SO cool! Man, to bad Ikea isn't right next door--maybe Friday when the kids don't have school..... :) We have to go to AZ mills mall anyway....

  3. I totally saw those when I was at IKEA a couple of weeks ago and ALMOST bought them!! LOL!!! They look gorgeous with their pretty flowers in them!!! *love it* :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
