
Sunday, March 7, 2010

Food and Crafts!

This past week has been so busy and productive. So sorry, I've been away for a while.

So many things have been checked off my list this week: haircut, annual dermatoligist check up, teeth cleaning, eye exam, oil change. Yes, several things had piled up and now they are all taken care of for a while.

I made to really great recipes this weekend.

The first was Pioneer Woman's favorite salad. I made it last night for a group of people and everyone seemed to enjoy it. The combo of veggies, pasta and the ginger/garlic sauce was fantastic. I came across this recipe for Dolce de Leche brownies a while ago and I finally made them. My husband said they are the best brownies he's ever had. Give them a try and let me know what you think.I've also been working on a spring/Easter centerpiece for our kitchen table. Hopefully I will get it finished up over the next couple of days. Here's a little peek...Hope you've had a great weeekend!

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