
Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Thanks to a productive weekend organizing my scrapbook room, I now have a few giveaway items I want to give away to my blog readers.

Hopefully these things will be able to find a happy, new home!

A brand new book filled with lots of great mini album ideas.
A Scrapbook Circle January kit. I LOVED creating with this kit. :) Here's a look at what can be created with this kit.This is a great creativity book and activity cards that will get the ideas flowing when you want to create!

A pack of paper from the new SEI release at CHA. These are really beautiful papers with great details. Most of them are embossed with glitter or foil too!
One last book (brand new) great tips on using less than perfect photos on your layouts.
5 fun prizes will go to 5 lucky winners!

So how do you win?

1. Become a follower of my blog (if you don't already follow) and then
2. Leave a comment letting me know one thing you love about SPRING!

I'll pick 5 random winners.

Post your comment by Sunday, March 28 and I'll post the winners by Tuesday, March 30!


  1. Lovely giveaway items!! Thank you for a chance to win!
    What I love about Spring is the weather, the flowers and the overall sunshiny happiness you feel when you get first go outside.

  2. I love that I feel refreshed and renewed. Spring brings a sense of renewal to me. Like I can start fresh. Spring lets me and my kids play outside and get dirty.
    There's so much to love about Spring - nature awakening from it's deep slumber and people being more lively. ^_^

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'm already a follower! :D

    I love that with Spring comes warmth - except for here in Texas where we get a blizzard on the first day of spring!!!!! Crazyness!

  5. I'm already a follower!
    One of my favorite things about spring is being able to spend more time at the park and doing outside activities with my boys. I also enjoy seeing other families outside enjoying the weather...sounds sappy, but love seeing happy families out and about-- being active and having fun!
    Thank you for sharing your awesome stash with us! And yeah, 1st day fo Spring in TX was cRaZy, but today was gorgeous! :)

  6. What I like about spring? Certainly not the allergies! Hehe! But I adore the colors. Everything is bright and new and pretty. And, with tissue in hand, I can look at it through my window!

    These giveaways are amazing. I was looking through them, and if I could choose one, I couldn't! They are ALL great additions to any scrappers table! Thanks for the ideas.

  7. ohhhhhhhhhhhhh i am a follower....and see this part is hard for me as i live in AZ like u do...and let's see....the thing i loveeeeeeeeeeee most about spring...its not 115 degrees yet here!!! lol!!! :):):):):):):):):):) this is a fabulous giveaway!!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  8. I like the flowers at the moment and all goes to take a green colour. The pictures are colourful.

  9. What I love about Spring-always-is the scent of flowers in the air, the green tips of tree branches budding, the vibrancy of the fresh green grass, and the return of a warm sun; and the disappearance of winter. Of course, now that I live in LA and not in Boston, the transition is much less pronounced, but it's still wonderful. Here, though, the green hills of winter turn brown as the weather turns warmer! LA is so weird. ;-)

  10. I thought I was a follower of your blog, Lisa... oops! I've been reading it, but now I am an "official follower!" What I love about spring is the emerging beauty... flowers blooming, grass growing, trees budding... and more time outside!

  11. I love the sun and blue skies and the fact that soon I will get to ride my mower and cut the grass! (Isn't it strange that I have been thinking of that all winter??)

  12. I love the hope Spring brings... it never ceases to amazes me how beautiful a budding tree is or the crisp, clean air. Love it!

  13. I love the little pink buds on trees! Love that life is visible again (it is hard after a winter and only seeing brown/snow/etc.)...ALIVE! That makes me feel refreshed:)

  14. I love the smell of the earth. After a long cold winter, the sight of buds, blooms (and bugs even!) is enough to put me in a good mood!

  15. What I love about Spring is the light/longer days, getting warmed by the sun on my back patio, getting into gardening again! I am a warm weather girl, so it's good news to me!

  16. Hi Lisa :o) I'm following you what do I love about spring? The fabulous colors of blooming flowers!!! Thanks for the chance to win...good for you doing some cleaning out!!!

  17. I'm a follower, and spring is the best just because it's so fresh... so nice to see life again after dreary winter!!

  18. What I am loving this year is that there is finally no more snow on the ground!

    I'm also a follower. Thanks for the giveaways!

    jlh774 at gmail dot com

  19. Oh my gosh such lovely potential gifts! I've got the first book up there and it is fab! Don't mind winning the others tho LOL

    Anyway spring is about warmth about the change that you can feel in the air itself! Colours come to life and everyday just seems to bring more cheerfulness than the last! To be honest I can actually feel spring thru your blog colours!

    Keep up the inspirations!

    Nora Latip

  20. I was a fan on facebook and am now a follower - your give aways look great! thanks for sharing!! spring - what's not to love?? the air smells different and feels different, it's a joy to watch things turn green/grow and bud! and on a practical level, i don't freeze waiting for the bus!

  21. how generous!!
    i love to see all the GREEN!!! i <3 green, i love that the flowers will be following the green shoots popping out of the dull brown earth!
    yay spring!

  22. Wow, you are so generous! I've been following for a little while :). My favorite part of spring is the blossoming trees and flowers - and their delicious scent! Thank you for a chance to win some amazing things!

  23. I love to see the bright yellow daffodils and colourful tulips.

    Great giveaway, I've had the Mini albums book on my Amazon wishlist for ages!

  24. Spring is the season of hope and possibilities! I just yesterday showed my 5-year-old daughter the tiny buds and new growth on the roses (of course, it was 24 degrees here in Massachusetts - not Sping-y!)

  25. My favorite thing about Spring is the temperate weather ... not too hot or too cold ... just perfect.

  26. What a fabulous give away girl!
    Your such a sweethear!

    Since I'm from Texas.. I love to see the hills and roadsides covered in Bluebonnets. Being able to take a deep breath of refreshing spring air. I love being able to have drinks and dinner outside, taking walks in the park with my dog, brightly colored pedicures, and working in my flower bed! :)... I could go on and on about spring!! :)

    Lana Kaye

  27. Haha.. I'm 26 min late..
    I hope I'm still eligible :)

    Lana Kaye
