
Friday, April 16, 2010

A Book, More Jam and a Kit

This week, I read a fabulous book that I highly recommend >>> The Help. This was so well written and so interesting to read. So if you are looking for a new book, I suggest you put this one on your list.I made 14 more jars of freezer strawberry jam today. Now with 27 jars of jam finished, I'd say we should be set until strawberry season next year. It only took an hour and a half from start to clean up to do the 14 jars, so it really wasn't a big time commitment. With all of my reading and jam making this week, I haven't had time left for any scrapbooking. But now that I have the May Scrapbook Circle kit to play with, I am sure some creating is in my near future. May peeks are up at SC if you want to check them out.Any fun weekend plans?

We are trying out a new Mexican restaurant tonight (La Casa Blanca) and then we have baseball and soccer games in the morning. Looking forward to spending time with my family.


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh that yummy jam looks sooooooooooooooo good!! And so does the kit! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. that jam looks good!! I can't believe it only took an hour and a half to make!!

    I hope you had fun at the restuarant and have a good time at the soccer and baseball games! :)

    my best friend from montana is arriving today for a week long visit, we're going to be super busy all week! :)
