
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Graduation and Cupcakes

My husband and I returned last night from a quick trip up to Utah to attend my brother's graduation from BYU. We were lucky to have my husband's dad stay with our kids while we were away.

It was great spending time with my siblings (except for 1 sister - we missed you!) and my parents.If you are ever in Provo, I highly recommend stopping at Sweet Tooth Fairy Bakery. Wow! We bought a few cupcakes to share and brought them to the graduation to make the waiting time a little sweeter.The Vanilla frosting was like nothing I've ever tasted (in a good way!) It was amazing.We tried the Marble, Strawberry Shortcake, Raspberry Lemonade and Cookies 'n Cream. The marble (1/2 Va-NIE-lla Squared and 1/2 Double Chocolate) was my favorite.Looking forward to some creative time this week!


  1. Looks like fun! We have Utah plans soon, so we'll have to try to get to that bakery :). Congratulations to your brother!

  2. looks like you had a lot of fun! glad you made it back okay! :)

  3. Loveeeeeeeeeeeeee the photos...and that bakery is looking really GOOD right now! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
