
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Time to Sort!

My husband and I are watching the Suns playoff game tonight and I wanted a little project to work on while watching the game.

I decided to sort this stack of layouts. Some of these are from 4 years ago. I'm not sure why they hadn't been put into an album yet. Yikes! Other more current layouts have been put away, but some older ones were tucked away in a drawer.

For now, I am putting them in four different albums: Relationships, Our Family, Things We Do, Places We Love. I'm thinking that I want to tweak it and have a Celebrations album (for birthdays and other milestones) in addition to a school days album.

This is always a work in progress. At least, for now, all of my layouts are happily organized. Now I need to order more page protectors!


  1. I need to do this too!! LOL!! I have been placing mine in those 12x12 plastic bins from michaels...LOL! :):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. You go girl! So proud of you!!! I go through tons of page protectors but your kids will LOVE looking through them.
