
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Blog Hop Winner!

Thank you so much to everyone who played along in the blog hop yesterday.

I had so much fun reading about all of your dream vacations!

I forgot to tell you my dream vacation! I have a lot of places on my travel wish list, but I think one of the most fun vacations would be to get all of my family together to go on a European Disney Cruise. That would be totally amazing!

Now, on to our winner of the glimmer mist.With the help of, I got number 37.
So the winner is JessiW!Yeah! Email your address to me (lisa at scrapbookcircle dot com) and I'll get this right out to you.

Hope have a great day!


  1. WOOOHOOO, you just made my day:) I have been wanting some glimmer mist but just couldn't fit it in the budget right now!! YAY Thanks:)

  2. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Jessi! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
