
Friday, May 7, 2010

Silk Flower Hairclips

Last week I watched this video by Rhonna Farrer and decided that I wanted to give making flowers with fabric. She gives really great inspructions, so check it out if you want to see how to make several different types of flowers.

Visiting the fabric store may not seem like a big deal, but I really know nothing about fabric. Just stepping foot into the fabric section of the store makes me feel a little crazy. I feel much safer on the paper side of the store!

I picked up four different colors of a silky material. Just got a 1/4 yard per color and the total was only $2.99. What a deal!

Here's a look at what I cam up with.
I was able to make at least 10 of these is less than an hour. They really came together quickly. I still have LOTS of fabric leftover, so a 1/4 yard was a good amount of fabric.

Once the flowers were finished, I added a hairclip to the back with some hot glue. I decided to not back the flower in felt because I wanted to keep it soft and moveable.

I attached a couple of the flowers to an elastic headband. The fun thing about this is that the flowers are interchangable. You could have a drawful of flowers and just clip on whatever matches your outfit.My oldest daughter asked if she could just wear the clip in her hair. It was such a quick way to add a little pizzaz to her outfit.These were so much fun to make. I'm thinking that I need return trip to the fabric store so that I can try out a few different fabrics.


  1. Those are so pretty! My daughter would love them.

  2. How cute!!! I'm totally gonna have to check out that video! ^_^

  3. okay, if you see pics of my daughter with these flowers in her hair, you'll know I totally stole this idea from you!!
    I love them!

  4. Loving those clips!!!!!
    I so need to go check out that video so that I can make some for our girls (not that they will wear them) :D :D :D
