
Monday, May 24, 2010

What is Love?

When I pulled out the Distressed Couture Glitz sticker sheet and saw the "What is Love?" sticker, I instantly knew that I had the title for my next layout.

I decided to go with a few photos of my husband and I on the layout. Sadly, I discovered that we hardly have any pictures of just the two of us. Now I've set a goal to make more of an effort to hand the camera over so that both of us can be together in a few photos.For the larger photo here, I had to crop the two of us from a photo of our family. Luckily our heads were close enough that the crop worked!
How good are you are getting in photos with people who are important to you? Will you join me in trying to jump in a few more photos with those we love?

Supplies: Everything is from Glitz. Distressed Couture Accent Stickers, Distressed Couture Rub-ons, Distressed Couture Titles, Black Frosting, Glitzers, Black Round & Red Square Teeny Alphas. Distressed Couture Paper: Blocks, Floral, Stripe, Vines, Scrolls.

Be sure to stop by the Glitz blog for more ideas from the other Glitz DT ladies!


  1. your first Glitz layout! How sweet! I agree I don't have enough pictures of DH and I either! Thanks for the challenge. GREAT layout!!

  2. Every since my fellow dt member Aleida died...i have taken monthly photos with my kids and means more to me than i could ever tell u!! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this lo!! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee the black and red! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
