
Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer Challenge!

Elle's Studio is hosting a blog challenge this month and it's all about summer. I got to play along. Here's a peek at my layout, but you'll have to visit Elle's blog to see the whole layout.
The challenge is to create a layout about the best part of summer. Just use at least one product from Elle's Studio and then email them your layout. One winner will receive a $25 gift certificate to Elle's shop.

What do you think the best part of summer is?


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I am loving that sneak....and I have me some yummy Elle's tags so I can play along!!!! :):):):) Well...I live in AZ just like lol lol...and ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm my fave part about SUMMER is when its October! LOL :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. Love the looks of this LO! And congrats on being on the Elle's DT--how fun! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I'm glad it led me to yours, because I love your projects and the sunny design of your blog!

  3. Just had a look at your lo at Elle's blog, it's gorgeous!! Love those summery colors and the happy feeling of it! My best part is being able to have dinner outside in the garden. Love those moments with just the 5 of us in the last rays of sunshine!!

  4. Thanks for the tip on the challenge!! I just uploeaded mine today :)
