
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Journaling on the Edge

Today I thought I would share a couple of layouts using one of my favorite techniques: journaling around the edge.

On this first layout I journaled around my photos to create a bit of a frame. The title is the 3rd edge of the frame.To finish off the frame around my photos, I used my circle punch to create circle for the bottom of the frame.On my second layout, I journaled around the entire page. I think this helps frame the entire page and give it a finished look.This technique a great to use when you just can't seem to find a great place to journal out in the middle of the page.For a few finishing touches of this page, I added a few of the Maya Glitz Glitzers. I love that they have bling sealed right into the sticker!

Hope you enjoyed my journaling around the edge layouts.

Supplies used: (123 layout) Glitz Kismet papers, rub-ons and tiny brown alpha.
(Hannah's Birthday Wishlist layout) Maya Glitz papers, Glitzers and both pink and black tiny alphas.


  1. gorgeous layouts lisa! I especially love the pink with the fun journaling! :)

  2. These are BOTH GORGEOUS! I loveeeeeeeeeee the way your journaled and love love love the circles on that first one! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. love the scallops and journaled border on the first layout and really love the paper tearing and title work on the 2nd ;) terrific work!!!

  4. Awesome layouts! I love how you journaled around the edges!
