
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

To Do Lists and a Card

I'm feeling pretty organized today. A couple of days ago I added the TeuxDeux (To Do) app to my phone and I've been checking things off my list ever since. I am so much more productive when I write something down that I want to do. Just looking at it on a list makes me want to do it. Anyone else a big list maker?

After this post, I'll get to cross this blog post off of my list. Love that.

Today I wanted to share a birthday card I just put together with the September Scrapbook Circle Kit. The Crate Restoration line is amazing to work with.

The yellow flowers in this kit were made by one of the talented SBC DT girls, Tessa. She has a great etsy shop where she sells the flowers and a lot of other great things. Thanks for the beautiful flowers, Tessa!

Okay, time to see what is next on my list.


  1. I LOVE lists, but not as much as I love this card! I love how the flower is layered over the journaling spot - perfect!

  2. I am a total list person, too :) They make me feel so accomplished, haha.
    Your card is so pretty!

  3. Adorable card, and yay for Tessa's flowers!!! :) I am hoarding mine from the kit until I have the exact, perfect place to put it!

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh that is GORGEOUS! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. lists! I should buy stock in post it notes--I'm CONSTANTLY making lists! This card is BEAUTIFUL--I loved it the first time I saw it! :)

  6. I'm a listmaker! Your card is gorgeous! And it matches perfectly with your blog decor! Love the Crate Paper and the handmade embellie! The August kit is a fav for sure!
