
Saturday, December 4, 2010

December Daily Photo Pages

Things have been cray busy here the past couple of days, but I have managed to still put together the photos pages each day for my December Daily album. I haven't had a chance to print and add them to my album yet, but I hope to do that tomorrow.

Thursday night two of my kids sang in a Christmas Concert with the Chandler Children's Choir. It's always a great evening when I can listen to them sing.

Friday we had friends over to play after school and later other friends came over for dinner. I added a photo of the gingerbread houses we decorated on Sunday that are now sitting in our kitchen.

Today was the busiest day of all. We had a church Christmas party (that my committee was in charge of) plus my kids we in the Chandler Light Parade tonight with the Chandler Children's Choir. Lots of good times and great memories.

Hopefully tomorrow I will get this pages printed and put into the December Daily book.


  1. Theae pages look great! Did you do them in Photoshop? Hope your party went well today! :)

  2. Busy busy busy!!! But looks like soooooooooooooo much fun!! You must be soooooooooooo proud of them singing in the choir!!!! LOVE the photos!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Very cool!! Looks like you've been busy! :)
