
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Still Working on December Daily

The past few days have been busy, but I've still been able to squeeze in time to work on my December Daily album. Before going to bed each night, I design the photo page from the photos taken that day in photoshop. The next day, I print out the photo page, add journaling and a few embellishments to each page.

I've trying to keep this album simple so that I still have time to enjoy the month and don't find myself spending hours tinkering on the album.

Here's a look at the few of my recent pages.

On day 3, I have 2 pages from Fancy Pants Traditions line that it glued back to back. This gave me to pages for journaling.

My favorite thing about this project is that I'm really focused on what we are doing and I am taking many more photos that I would otherwise take. Can't wait to see the finished album!

Also, did you see that Scrapbook Circle is having a design team call? We'd love to see your work if you are interested in working on the Scrapbook Circle team.


  1. This is BEAUTIFUL Lisa!! LOVE IT! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. this is AWESOME! I just love how it's coming together! :)
