
Friday, December 17, 2010

Winter Wonderland Kit Giveaway!

I've been having so much fun creating with my Scrapbook Circle Winter Wonderland kit so I thought I would share one with one of my blog readers!

Want to win? Just leave a comment letting me know one of your favorite holiday traditions.

Want an extra entry? Just follow my blog and leave a separate comment letting me know you are a follower.

Comments will close on Sunday, December 19th at midnight MST. Winner will be announced on Monday, the 20th!


  1. Great Blog - Just became a follower. I Love your style!

  2. one of my favorite holiday traditions is watching "A Christmas Story" for the bizzionth time. :)

  3. My fave holiday tradition is having dinner at my parents X-mas Eve. The immedite family all gets together for dinner, then if we're all lucky we might get an early gift. We have been doing this since I can remember, so its been about 45yrs or so!

  4. I love your blog - great ideas! I am follower

  5. One of my favorite holiday traditions is surf & turf dinner at my mom's on Christmas day... steak & seafood, yum.

  6. I love Christmas and the whole season. My favorite tradition is decorating the house for Christmas on Thanksgiving night! We have so much fun listening to Christmas music and making the whole house look festive!

    I really love this kit! I already have one of my very own to play with! If I were lucky enough to win I would pay it forward and use this a give away on my challenge blog, ScrapFIT.

    Merry Christmas!

  7. Wrapping presents while watching "Christmas Vacation"!!

  8. I am now a follower...
    I don't know why I never did it before... I read your blog almost every day!!! LOL!

  9. I take pictures of my granchildren and put them on my Christmas tree. There are 5 grandchildren and I have been doing this for 5 years now, how lovely my tree looks.

  10. I love Christmas Eve. We spend it at my mom's house with my family. We have a traditional fish dinner then open gifts under her Christmas tree. So much fun and lots of memories!
    I absolutely LOVE this beautiful kit! The bright whimsical colors are fabulous!

  11. One of my favorite holiday traditions is to pick up grass for the three wise men camels on January 5.

  12. I was already a follower! Your blog is very inspiring! Love your work!

  13. My very favorite holiday tradition for our family is that we often don't eat the "normal" Christmas dinner. In fact, a couple of years ago we decided that we'd do things really off the wall with food! That year we had all fried finger foods! The next year, we ate McDonald's! And this year? We're having veggie burgers and homemade fries!! You can better believe we all love this tradition of trying to come up with odd things to eat for our Christmas dinner every single year!

  14. My favorite holiday tradition started with me and my sisters... Santa would come twice - once when we were in the bathtub when he would leave us all new pajamas. That was the most exciting because we would hear sleigh bells while we were in the tub! Then Santa would come later to bring the gifts when we were asleep. This tradition is now passed down to my Grandchildren and hopefully will follow for generations.

  15. I already am a follower and my favorite Christmas Tradition is my kids opening their new pj's on Christmas Eve and my hubby and I opening a gift too.

  16. A favorite holiday tradition is just starting as my daughter is just 14 months, but we are getting a new person/item out each day of December to add to our Nativity Scene! Someday she will learn to love being reminded of the true meaning of Christmas each day with this tradition :)

  17. I am a follower and would love a December kit :)

  18. My favorite Christmas tradition is getting together on Christmas day for lunch with grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles, etc at my dad's ancestral home. Our family has been doing this even before I was born and I love that we have kept this tradition going.

  19. Hello Lisa,
    My favorite holiday tradition has changed since my children were young. My favorite tradition now is our family christmas party, I have a large family so we have a family christmas party with lots of food gifts, and a white elephant ornament exchange. On Christmas my children all have their own family traditions.

  20. Lisa I also became a follower of your blog and would love to have you become a follower of my blog too....

  21. When my brother and I were little, we loved coming home from Christmas Eve service and driving around our neighborhood to see the lights. Most of the houses put up twinkle lights (some were more elaborate displays than others) and it was a neighborhood tradition to put white-paper-bag luminarias along the curb. My dad would turn off the main headlights and we'd slowly cruise around. It was so magical!!

  22. oh, I am also a follower of your blog!

  23. I would love to win!! Have never had a kit from scrapbook circle so I would love to check it out!! thanks for the chance

  24. oh, WOW. this is gorgeous, and i know so many people who enjoy their kits!

    fave holiday tradition (passed down from my late grandmother) is opening jut ONE gift on christmas eve... give a taste of what's to come.

  25. My favorite holiday tradition is a making and baking all sorts of goodies. A family favorite is a coffeecake we've named Christmas Morning Cake. It has a cream cheese filling layered with a fruit spread, topped with almonds and crumbs. Now that my kids are grown and starting their own families, they've taken the recipe with them to make for their families and share on Christmas morning.

  26. I signed up as a follower...would love to win the December kit for my December daily.

  27. I adore this kit and it matches my December Daily Album perfectly! One of my favorite holiday traditions is making cookies for Santa and placing them by the fireplace on Christmas Eve. Every since I was a child this has been one of my favorite traditions, kindda sad that my boys don't belive in the magic of Santa anymore, but I'm pleased to know that they know the true reason for the season! Ooops I ramble...anyway- thanks for the chance to win!

  28. I am a follower of Enjoying Everyday blog!

  29. Our fav tradition is hanging our personal baubles on the tree with our names on, this year is even more special as my MIL passed away on the 12th of Dec so it will be a sad one for us all...
    Thank for an awesome giveaway, would love the chance to be able to play with one of your gorgeous kits...♥

  30. Our favorite tradition is on Christmas Eve. We as a family (myself, hubby, and both boys) bake cookies together and always watch Miracle on 34th Street. I truly enjoy this, because my boys are 15 and 10 and this still look forward to doing this every year!! I love it!!

    Thanks so much for sharing & the chance to win this fantastic kit!!!

    okj83 at live dot com

  31. One of my favorite holiday traditions is giving the kids new PJs on CHristmas eve. They look adorable in the morning (and it makes for great pictures!).

  32. I am also a follower!

    okj83 at live dot com

  33. WOooooooooohhhhhhhho this kit is amazing!!! become a follower on your blog and found SBC on facebook.
    Our tradition is hot chocolate with cream after a long walk through the beautiful white woods, only a few meters away from home.
    Thanks for a chance to win and love your blog!

  34. Love this! We usually leave on Xmas Eve & when we come back, Santa leaves a gift for our girls. (new pjs) they love it! =)

  35. Its a bizarre tradition but since my daughter can remember we have always gotten our Xmas tree form Target and we joke about it.....but we were genuinely sad this year when all the Target's shut down their garden areas. So we borrowed a fake.....we were bummed about the whole thing.

  36. after it gets dark on christmas eve we all pile in the car and go look at everyones decorations.

  37. what an awesome kit!
    OK if I blog about this?
    I' ma follower and I'll ask my followers to follow, too!

  38. favorite tradition? Baking cookies for santa

  39. I'm so glad I found your inspiring blog! I'm a follower :)

  40. My favorite tradition as a child was on Christmas Eve my siblings and I opened our gifts from each other to make room under the tree for Santa to leave his gifts :D This will be my first Christmas as a parent so I hope to start some fun new traditions!

  41. My favorite tradition as a child was going to the cheesy restaurant, Madonna Inn,(it's all pink, and they decorate every inch of the place) and having hot cocoa and pastries with my family.

  42. My fave holiday tradition is getting together with my sisters and daughters and making hard tack and chocolate candies-we have been doing it for many years and its a great family tradition!
