
Monday, December 20, 2010

Winter Wonderland Kit Giveaway Winner!

I really enjoyed reading about so many different Christmas traditions on the Winter Wonderland Kit giveaway post.

Thank you to everyone who played along! I decided to have 2 kit winners instead of 1 since there were so many wonderful comments.

I used which decided that Kris and Leah and are the winners! Congrats, Kris & Leah. Email me (lisa at scrapbookcircle dot com) your address and I'll get the kit right out to you!

Thanks to everyone for participating. It so enjoyable to hear from so many of you! I'll have to do another giveaway soon.


  1. Oh my! What a wonderful, exciting surprise! That beautiful kit will be just perfect for scrapping holiday and winter photos of my baby girl. Thank you so much for the very generous gift. I'm so lucky to have won!

  2. CONGRATS to Kris and Leah!! You will LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE this kit! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  3. Way to go winners!!!! You guys will have so much fun!!!

  4. Congrats ladies! Enjoy your Xmas too Lisa! Yes to your soccer comment! We have practice today & a tournament on Jan 1st! =)

  5. Congrats!! What a wonderful prize!!

  6. I am so happy for bot girls but espesh for my buddy Leah!!!
