
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Creative Estates Recap: Saturday

Saturday was such an inspirational day at Creative Estates. Becky Higgins spoke on a panel with Megan from Brassy Apple, Melanie from Above All Fabric and Becki from Whippy Cake. They shared some great ideas on balancing motherhood and work.

Here are a few of my favorite tips from this panel:

* Have one family calendar (use iCal or Google Calendar)
* Prioritize each night what you want to accomplish the next day
* Don't let social media and email take over first thing each day
* Have a notebook where you collect your thoughts and ideas
* Write ideas in the notebook so that there is room for more ideas to form
* Plan rewards to stay motivated
* Plan meals for each week
* Be focused and present for your children
* Begin with the end in mind: What kind of mother, wife, community member do you want to be?

In the afternoon I went to an entertaining discussion with Char of Crap I've Made, Shelly of House of Smiths and Stephanie of The Daily Blarg.

They shared ideas about helping bloggers share their personalities.

A few highlights of their discussion...

* Figure out what your thing is and do it well
* Have integrity in your blog and respect for others
* Try to minimize the effect your blog/job has on your family
* Do not compare your worst to someones best
* There is no competition to be yourself
* You will never be sorry for acting appropriately

I am still processing all of the great information that was shared this weekend.
The best part about the weekend was meeting so many talented women who love blogging and crating as much as I do! I now have an amazing collection for business cards that I get to go through and check out everyone's blogs.

Thanks to Shey and Tauni for putting such an inspirational event together.


  1. I loved meeting you! And thanks for the recap cause I forgot to take notes during the panel with Becky Higgins :)

  2. Wowwwwwwwww! Sounds like wonderful things! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
