
Monday, April 4, 2011

One Little Word - March

In March, I continued to work on my one little word, Grow.

In the One Little Word Class taught by Ali Edwards at Big Picture Classes, she challenged each of us to chose an activity that would help us focus on our word.

My focus for the month was on growing my healthy habit of exercise. I decided that I wanted to run 24 miles in March and track my progress. I also went to the gym on other days for weight classes just to mix things up.

I met my goal and ran just over 27 miles in March. This is a pretty big deal for me because I haven't ever considered myself a runner. Really, I am more of a slow jogger, but at least I was out and moving!

Ali provides templates each month that are ready for printing and writing. I love how simple this project is because of those prompts.

My page for March is now complete. I'm looking forward to the April assignment that involves writing a letter to my future self.

Thanks for stopping by today. Hope you have a wonderful week.


  1. So awesome Lisa!! I loveeeeeee that you beat your goal and loving the way you documented it! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. A big CONGRATS to you on meeting your goal! :0)

  3. yeah for Lisa! running 27 miles IS a big deal! :)
