
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Enjoying Everyday

When I named my blog "Enjoying Everyday" it was not because everyday is easy, wonderful and problem free. The name is there to remind me to focus on the good that happens everyday in my life and to be grateful for all of the wonderful things around me. It is also a reminder to create enjoyable experiences since they don't always appear without effort.

This week I received my weekly email quote from Compendium and I loved it.

Isn't that a great quote? Such a perfect reminder to find something enjoyable in our lives everyday.

This week has been busy and I haven't been blogging or creating very much because I've tried to spend a lot of time with my kids and focus on being with them. It's been wonderful to just relax a bit more than usual and really enjoy everyday.

Here's a look at what we've been up to this week.

Haircuts, movies, the kids doing a big play production with their friends, going to the gym (3 times!), playing at home, shopping at the mall, packing scrapbook kits, swimming, and dinners with friends and family. Such a perfectly busy and fun week.

I am loving summer and the freedom is allows our schedule!


  1. Looks like a PERFECT week to me! :):):):):) LOVEEEEEEEEE that quote too! :):):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. we are having the same kind of fun, busy summer here. i was really worried about this summer since it was the first time we were all going to be home every day, but we have been doing so many fun things that I am totally going to be sad when they start back in school!

  3. sounds like us! Time moves so fast it IS essential to do the important things, like time with the kids! :) Happy 4th to you!!
