
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

CHA Trip Recap: Part 2

CHA is a bi-annual trade show for all types of crafting products. When I go, I only focus on the scrapbooking products. This year I was lucky to have three of the Scrapbook Circle design team ladies with me. Diana, Heather and Jennie were all so helpful and it was really fun to spend time with them.

We only had 1.5 days at the show, so we were focused and scouted out all of our favorite things for the next few Scrapbook Circle Kit.

On the first day of the show, we were there for the full trade show hours from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. We spent the day visiting all of the scrapbook related booths, collecting samples and taking notes. We met up for dinner and then went back to the hotel room to plan kits. We worked on kits until we couldn't keep our eyes open any longer and then finished up kit planning in the morning. We filled out order forms and turned in most of them before we had to leave.

I worked more today finishing up order forms. Now we just have to wait for the product to start arriving.

To do a proper CHA photo recap, I really need another day at the show so that I could focus on photos rather than kit ordering. But, I will share the photos that I managed to take.

The Heidi Swapp booth was full of Heidi's fun and creative style. We loved many of the embellishments here. Some of our favorites were Poloroid photo frames and the color magic products.

The GCD Studios booth had several new lines with some nice pieces. No product photos, but we did get a photo in their photobooth.

The Jillibean Soup booth was full of traditional Jillibean style. We loved the new soup label stickers and the alphas.

We really liked the new Jenni Bowlin Studios stickers. The honeycomb date stickers were a favorite. She also had some wonderful new perforated paper that you will be seeing in an upcoming kit.

The Lily Bee Design booth was full of product from four new lines. We loved them all and placed a pretty large order here. The index cards and paper were our favorites at this booth.

The new Bella Blvd lines were very themed (Baby & Pregnancy) so we didn't order the paper, but we did love all of the embellishments. Alphas, button, tapes and little flags. We loved all of the little bits and pieces!

Of course we pretty much loved everything at the October Afternoon booth. They always have great designs.

The new Sketchbook line by Amy Tangerine for American Crafts looked like it might be a little too bright from the previews I'd seen before CHA, but in person it was perfectly vibrant and beautiful. This was one of my favorite lines of the show. I should have more than one photo of this section of the booth, but I don't. Guess I was too excited looking at product to take many photos.

The Dear Lizzy Neapolatian line was a nice surprise at the show. In the previews it looked very similar to other Dear Lizzy lines, but there were pieces of this line that were *must haves* items.

The Glitz Designs booth was probably the prettiest at the show. The sewn banners over the booth looked fantastic.  I really liked their new travel line plus the burlap items in the French Kiss line.

We visited many other booths and loved so many things.  It was a fantastic show and we were happy to be there looking and buying for Scrapbook Circles kit. Can't wait to start sharing some of the things we've ordered.


  1. great post~thanks for all the pic's!!!

  2. Looks like SO Much fun! Can't wait to see the new kits! :) I can't wait to get *this* month's kit!!! :)

  3. thanks for sharing so much of what you saw--and ordered!!

  4. you look like you had soo much fun,cant wait to see what will be in the upcoming kits!

  5. totally jealous here!!! Looks like lots of loveliness! I should have asked you to take a pic of my Jillibean page in the booth... oh well!

  6. Great recap! The trip was a complete success!!

  7. Glad you had a great time! Looks like we have some of the same faves! I'm SO glad to hear you say that the Amy Tan stuff isn't as bright IRL as it looks online! I was so-so on that, but love the designs. Now I can't wait to see it! ^_^

  8. Great pics!! I love seeing all of the new items! So pretty!

  9. I loveeeeeeeeeee your view!!! I think you and I only took the same photos of Bella... how funny...we took such different booth pics! lol!! It was awesome seeing you and the SBC crew!!! I love you all to pieces! :):):):):):):):):):):)
