
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

February Photo Challenges

This month I thought it would be fun to play along with a couple of photo challenges. It's a short month, so maybe I'll be able to keep up!

The first challenge is a daily photo from Fat Mum Slim's blog.

My view today:

I spent several hours working in my scrapbook room today. Lot's of Scrapbook Circle work going on. Processing incoming orders, placing orders and customer service. It was a good day. I also finished up my Project Life pages from last week, so I'll be sharing that soon. Yes, I need to clean up my desk.

The second photo challenge I decided to join in is 29 Things I Love in February on Allison Waken's blog.  Allison and I met at Creative Estates last year and she is a talent scrapbook and photographer her in AZ.  I'm excited to play along with her challenge.

All you have to do for this challenge is snap a picture of something you love each day.

Today I loved having Hannah read her bedtime story to me. So sweet.

It's hard to make it through the Love You Forever book without tearing up, so it was good that Hannah was reading instead of me. She was so cute. Everytime it came to the "Love you forever, Like you for Always" part she would set the book down and say the lines while pretending to rock a baby.

I'll be posting all of my photos on Instagram.

Did you know that even if you don't have an Instagram account, you can see the photos here? As long as the user's account is public, you can look up friends and see their photos.

Are you playing along with any photo challenges this month?


  1. Loveeeeeeeeee these!! That one of Hannah is ADORABLE!!!! :):):):):):):):):):):)

  2. okay I'm doing the first challenge but hadn't heard of the second, sounds FUN!

  3. fabulous photos! what a cool challenge!
