
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope you are enjoying this day of love and friendship. My husband and I went on a breakfast date this morning after dropping the kids off at school. This afternoon I'll be over at the school helping with class parties. This is such a fun holiday!

I had an extra hour in the middle of the day today and decided that we needed another Valentine banner around our house. Yes, I have many other pressing things to do, but sometimes I just need to make something!

The base of the banner is some heart doilies that I found out in our garage. Love it when cool and useful things make an appearance at our house. 

This was a great place to use up some valentine products. I kept the banner really simple and just layered up a few pieces on each doilie.

All of the cardstock pieces were run through a Xyron machine to make them adhesive. It was a quick way to stick everything together.

The chipboard pieces are self adhesive, so they just stuck right onto the doilie without needing to add adhesive.

Once each of the hearts was finished, I pinned them to the hot pink ric rac and sewed the doilies to the ric rac. It's a quick way to make sure it's secure and not have to mess with adhesive.

Hope you enjoy celebrating those you love today!

Supplies /// Elle's Studio One and Only Strips /// Elle's Studio One and Only Tidbits /// You + Me Kit /// Be Mine Kit /// Craft Store for Ric Rac, Thread & Doilies


  1. CUTE banner! you go girl, the only thing other besides going to the Temple today and a lunch date today was take a nap! Love it! And yes, sometimes those "other" things can wait!

  2. This is BEAUTIFUL! I love love love how you sewed those doilies!!!

  3. what a sweet banner! the doilies look fabulous on the ric rac!
