
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Shooting Hoops + Project Life

For some reason it took almost all week for me to get to last week's Project Life pages. I'm happy to report that they are now complete.

I dug into my stash of samples from CHA and used a bunch of Amy Tangerine Sketchbook papers. The bright colors make me happy. I also really love the heart paper on the bottom right of the page. It reminds me of the 80's and it's possible that I used to own some sort of clothing that closely resembles that paper.

My oldest daughter Audrey had a volleyball tournament this weekend and my youngest daughter Hannah made signs to hold up while we cheered. I cut out a part of the sign and put it in one of the pockets. She saw that I'd cut it and said that next time I should cut the paper so that it fits in the pocket first and then she would make a sign on it so I wouldn't have to cut her sign. Cute girl.

I also have a layout to share today. My son LOVE shooting hoops out on our driveway. It's all he can think about when he gets home. It's a great motivator for getting homework done. He also likes having me take pictures of him while he plays. (Got to love that!) He's always making sure I caught his shot on the camera. I'm sure this will not be the last of Max + basketball layouts.

Layout supplies from the Remember This Kit

 Hope you have a fabulous Monday!


  1. your spread looks great, how sweet that they made handmade signs! Cracks me up-must be a boy thing Carson is always making sure that I got the shot when he is playing soccer! GREAT layout!

  2. I would love to have some of these new AMy tan products! they look great in your PL!!and a very cute boy layout!! love the chevrons!

  3. Always so many fun photos in your PL and I love the layout, the vertical title is a fun twist.
