
Friday, April 20, 2012

{Almost a Complete} Daydreamer Kit Giveaway

Guess what I found? An almost complete Scrapbook Circle Daydreamer Kit. The kit has sold out, so this is your last chance to get one! It has all of the embellishments and almost all of the paper. I'll sub in some other coordinating paper to make the kit full and fun!

Since I'm wrapping up my Daydreamer projects and moving on to the May Kit, The Story, I want to share this almost complete Daydreamer kit with one of you!

I can't get enough of the bright colors in this kit. 

So do you want to win the kit?  Just leave a comment here letting me know one thing you love about spring.

Comments will close this Sunday night.

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Thanks so much for the chance! I love the kit! I love spring because we can have our windows and doors open for a few weeks before it starts getting too hot, like it is now!

  2. Well I today was the first day I got to play around with my Daydreamer it and I am in LOVE! I would not mind doubling up on these amazing goodies! I really do love spring and my favorite part is early morning, just as the sun is peaking out. I love to be outside with my hot cup of coffee enjoying the peaceful, crisp morning air. Thanks for the chance to win!

  3. You are amazing!! You know I love SBC kits!! I love love love love your lo's you made!! GORGEOUS!! And let's see ... the one thing I love about Spring... going to California to enjoy it! LOL!! You're in AZ with you know what I mean about by that statement! lol!

  4. I truly love thunderstorms in the spring! The smell of the rain and the power of mother nature - so cool!

  5. wow--another one?! (you know you don't have to include me in this) when is the giveaway over so I can SPREAD the word?

  6. I love the the grass turning green and the warmer weather:)

  7. OHHH! What a fun kit! I love the rain that comes with Spring--everyday we have a slight shower...and it is the perfect time to curl up on the couch and take a short nap:) THANKS for the chance to win:) sbmmhoover at yahoo dot com

  8. Love this kit! The neons are so rad! Ooops...had a little 80s flashback! :) The start of baseball season for my boys is one thing I love about spring. And, I love the weather (minus the allergies)! Thanks so much for sharing this awesome kit with us!

  9. I'd love to win one, Lisa! I've been eying your kits for a long time. Need to take the plunge. Thanks for the chance to win one! Oh--and I love that Spring is the start of softball season with my daughter!

  10. I love everything about spring! The warmer weather, the blooming flowers, "playground season" (lol).

  11. I've just come in from a good round of yardwork! Love working in the yard! (Although I am pretty tired!)

  12. I love tulips and sleeping with the windows open in the spring....thanks for the chance to win an awesome kit!

  13. Beautiful kit! Thanks for the chance!

  14. What a great kit, I would love to win it! Thanks for the chance. :) I'm not sure what I love about Spring, definitely not my allergies! LOL! I like that all of the neighbourhood kids start going outside to play again.

  15. I love the mild weather we get to enjoy here in Kansas :) btw...hello :)

  16. I love the mild weather we get to enjoy here in Kansas :) btw...hello :)

  17. I love the mild weather we get to enjoy here in Kansas :) btw...hello :)

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Thanks so much for the chance to win a fab kit::)) I love the birds singing and the warmer temps in the spring:)

  20. Lovely kit giveaway! Love the colors that pop!

  21. Thanks for the giveaway! Spring is the beginning of endless things to scrap!

  22. You are amazing!! You know I love SBC kits!! I love the colors, reminds me of my flowers in our garden. I would love to win this..

  23. I love getting outside into the bright sun; bring on the vitamin D!

    I'd love to scrap some bright fun photos of my girls with this darling kit!

  24. I just love the spring showers and the smell of the rain!!!

    Love the look of this kit with those fabulous spring colors! Thanks for the chance!

  25. I love that I can get out and ride my bike and walk in the beautiful weather! I love to take pictures of the things that I see out on my rides!

  26. Spring is different for me this year because in the past, my health hasn't been the greatest so I wasn't able to get out much to enjoy the Spring weather, flowers, can't forget yard sales but I've been working on improving my health so I'm starting to get outside more.... Lovin' it so far except for the high pollen count, lol! Thank you so much for a chance to win such an awesome prize!

  27. This is an amazing kit---thanks for the chance. I love getting outside and puttering around in the flowers, clearing away all the dead leaves. Spring is really important toe bc of the long cold winters in upstate NY!

  28. I love sleeping with the window open at night but still snuggling under the warm blankets and listening to the rain.
    thanks for the opp!

  29. I love the smell of Spring. I love having the windows open and airing out the house. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful kit!

  30. What a fantastic kit! I love the warmer weather and bike riding after that it stays lighter longer, and spending time with my family having BBQ;s!!

  31. My favorite thing about spring is getting outside with the kiddos more! I run a daycare and am cooped up inside for most of the winter! I love going for spring walks! LOVE LOVE LOVE this kit... was pondering about it, and then it sold out :(... thanks for another chance to have it!

  32. Love this kit! I love opening day if my daughters softball league. Such an exciting day for everyone with the anticipation of a fun season of playing ball. And watching my husband coach our daughters team is just amazing.

  33. Love this kit! I love opening day if my daughters softball league. Such an exciting day for everyone with the anticipation of a fun season of playing ball. And watching my husband coach our daughters team is just amazing.

  34. I'd love to win this kit - I love that we can play outside in the evenings without it being too cold!

  35. Beautiful colors! I love the honeysuckle blooming in the spring! My yard smells so nice!

  36. first off...srsly loving your blog design! and yay for a great find and giving it away! ;) longer days is one of my fave things about spring. hope you are enjoying your weekend!

  37. I would love to win this!!! Something I love about Sprung is the awesome warm weather. :) Thanks for this chance!!
    - April W (

  38. Oh my word is that some serious eye candy! I love this kit! I look forward to the smell of lilacs in spring! I have a lot of fond memories of playing outside when I was little and smelling the sweet smell of the lilacs!

  39. Great kit. I love to get outside in my flower garden.

  40. I love the blooming flowers and trees-and the lighter, longer days!!

  41. Thanks for the awesome chance to win this great kit!

  42. Thanks for a chance to win :)

  43. LOVE it! Thanks for chance to win! What I love about springtime is BASEBALL season I love watching my little guy play, going to the ballpark to watch games, and having hot dogs && beer! Woooot, cannot wait!

  44. Just one thing?! I pretty much love everything about Spring. My favourite of all is being able to wear flip-flops though. Thanks for your generosity, this kit is amazing!

  45. I just found your blog-and just in time for the contest entry Yea!

  46. I agree, those colors would make anyone feel happy. Could use a kit like that to get the scrappy Nokia flowing!

    1. Oops. Fat fingers ... Should say mojo flowing

  47. Beautiful projects. LOVE this kit. Thanks so much for the chance to win. What I love most about spring is seeing the flowers peek out and opening the windows to hear all the noisy bird chatter

  48. I love the bright, cheerful colors of spring after the drabness of winter (and the warmer temps don't hurt any either!)

  49. I love that the days are starting to get "longer" -- it's not dark as early! Thanks for the chance to win.

  50. Would love to win-such bright, happy colors! I love being able to throw open the windows and doors in the springtime!!!

  51. My favorite thing about spring in Phx Az is the the delicious smell of orange blossoms! I leave my bedroom window open at night and love falling asleep to that smell... In the morning the birds chirping and a little breeze blowing the fragraNce through my room is a wonderful way to start the day!
    I'm a newbie scrapper, about to be a 1st time grandma in May! I've been working on the
    baby's 1st scrapbook and it's so fun!
    There's just so much fun supplies and
    embellishmentd to choose from! I'm addicted!
