
Tuesday, May 8, 2012


Last weekend we went to the Spring Chandler Children's Choir concert to hear both of our girls perform. They had a silent auction and 50/50 raffle at the event and Max asked us if he could use his money to buy some raffle tickets.

We told him that his chance of winning was really small, but even if he lost he was helping to choir, so he could use his money on the tickets.

At the end of the concert, the winning 50/50 raffle number was read and Max had the winning ticket!

A lesson was not learned that the odds are against you in a drawing, but we do have one very happy kid who now needs to open a bank account.


  1. I love his face! he looks SO excited!! CUTE layout!

  2. That's AWESOME!! Good for him!! I love love love love the look on his face and loving that you included the ticket!!!! Beautiful lo!

  3. what a happy photo :) and great layout too :)
