
Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Project Life: May 13 - 20

With all of the end of school activities and then a trip to the beach, I'd fallen a bit behind, actually 4 weeks behind, on my Project Life pages.

I spent some time last weekend getting all of the pictures printed for the pages. I printed many of the pictures big enough to fit the photo pockets so that paper and embellishments weren't needed to fill that space. It made putting the pages together go a lot faster, but they don't necessarily have fancy embellishments. I'm okay with that because the pages are now finished.

Celebrating Audrey's birthday /// Max buying a bike with his raffle winnings

Reese's PB gift /// Lunch at Pizzaria Bianco /// Cute Hannah

Taco Dinner /// Homework

Max and mom /// Bike Riding /// Relaxing in the Pool /// Teeth Cleaning

Since it was Mother's Day this week I had a bunch of picutres that I wanted to include, but didn't have room in the regular spread. I just cut down one of the page protectors to add a space for these photos.

The supply list was pretty simple for this week because I really wanted to use up the last bits of The Story Kit. So I challenged myself to mainly stick to the scraps from that kit and only added a couple of other things.


  1. Loveeeeeeeeee this! LOVING all the photos you included!! Especially that photo of you and Max!! That is a new fave of mine!!!

  2. looks GREAT! I've been using up bits and pieces of "old" kits as well--LOVE using up my stash!
