
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Rocky Point + Fav Salad

Last weekend we ventured down to Rocky Point in Mexico with another family. It was our first time going to Rocky Point and we are wondering what has taken us so long to get to a beach less that four house from our house. We were a little apprehensive because of travel warnings for Americans in Mexico, but we felt safe and didn't go looking for trouble.

Here's a little look at our time away.
The beaches were amazing because it was actually warm weather plus warm water. After mainly visiting cold California beaches, the warm air and warm were a welcome change. (I don't like to be cold!)

We spent two full days enjoying the beach and the pool at our condo. We hope to be able to go back again!  The only downside of the trip was that I was terribly sick with stomach issues for two days after returning home. Not sure what I ate, but I'll be even more careful next time.

Today I also wanted to share my favorite make at home salad. I've made it a few times this summer and haven't become tired of it yet.

Summer Salad

(The amounts vary depending on how large of a salad you want to make)

Grape Tomotoes (halved)
Red Bell Pepper, diced
Yellow Bell Pepper, diced
Fresh Green Beans
Corn (fresh of the cob is best or you can use canned)

Optional: candied almonds or avocado

Saute the bell peppers and green beans in a little olive oil until soft. (I LOVE this Mexican lime infuse olive oil.)

Toss all of the ingredients in a bowl and serve. I don't use any dressing because the flavors from the sauteed vegetables are enough for me. If you'd like, you could serve it with your favorite balsamic vinaigrette.

1 comment:

  1. the beaches look beautiful! sorry to hear you got sick :( mmmm --on better note, that salad looks so good!
