
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Rocky Point, Mexico

I love the beach. It can be hot weather, cold weather, at the ocean or at a lake. It doesn't matter what type of beach it is, I love to be there. This could stem from the fact that I have lived in the desert nearly my entire life and large bodies of water are a welcome change while on vacation. Since I enjoy the beach so much, I usually tend to take a lot of pictures while we are there. Last month in Rocky Point was no exception and I ended up with many photos that I wanted to scrapbook.

Yesterday I shared the octopus photos on a page and today I'd like to share 12 of my favorite beach photos from that trip on a page. It took some time to narrow my favorites down to only 12 photos, but I can only fit so many photos on a page! All of the photos were taken on my phone because I didn't want to have to worry about our big camera at the beach.

Since I wanted to use so many photos on the page, I printed them out at a smaller 2 X 3 inch size so more photos would fit on the page.

I'm loving all of the bright and sunny colors on this page since it really reflects what our day at the beach was like.

The mini striped bags are one of my favorite elements on the page. I considered adding journaling tags inside the bags, bur decided that I like how they looked as empty bags.

A little fun news...a couple of days ago one of my Glitz Design layouts was the featured layout of the day on Two Peas. Fun!

 Thanks for stopping by today!

P.S. All of the supplies for the Rocky Point layout came from the upcoming August Scrapbook Circle Kit.


  1. I'm with you on loving the beach... me and hubby are trying to swing another quick trip to Cali before the kiddos head to school!! Can you believe Brookie will be starting Kindergarten this year?!?!?!? YAY!! I loveeeeee your lo!! LOVING the photos and loveeeeeeeeee that yellow!! GORGEOUS!!!

  2. this layout looks AWESOME-yeah for smaller pictures!! CONGRATS on the feature!!

  3. I love the design with the pictures on the edge and the bright color paper in the middle. I too am a beach lover and miss it so much. Congrats on the 2 peas feature!
