
Friday, August 17, 2012

One Crazy Week!

Our week started off different than planned on Sunday when we came home from church to find this:

The kids walked in the house ahead of me and said there was glass all over. I told them to get out of the house and we called 911. Yes, someone thought it would be a good idea to break into our house Sunday morning. They also got into two other house on our street that morning.

Total bummer.

So this week has been filled with things like filling our insurance paperwork.

We've also been choosing new glass to replace the broken glass.

Plus we got to have a carpet cleaner come to get out the fingerprinting dust the police left behind on our bedroom floor.

Luckily, I was also able to squeeze in some creative time. Once we replace our SLR camera that was stolen, I'll get a better picture of the layout and share it.

I also spent some time sketching out the September printable for the Scrapbook Circle kit. Totally excited about this kit and can't wait to share peeks soon.

I put my Silhouette to use today and cut out a little gift box for my daughter to give to her friend tonight. Love that machine!

Looking forward to spending the weekend with my family. Hope you enjoy your weekend too!


  1. I heard about the break in from Jennie! I'm SO sorry--I hope that everyone is doing alright--TOTAL bummer!
    LOVING the sketch for the printable and can't wait to see the September kit!!

  2. I am sooooooooo sorry Lisa!!! This happened to us 4 years ago -- they took our 6 foot safe that had all of our important papers in it plus $$$$ we were saving for a trip Brian was taking the week after the break in... it was horrible... so I feel your pain!! We got an alarm right after that happened... I hope you get everything replaced and that the kids aren't scared/worried too much....

  3. OH that is just awful! I cant believe people do stuff like that, but it is even crazier that they do it in broad daylight!! I hope they catch the culprit!
