
Friday, September 28, 2012

Eating Our Way Through Portland

Last weekend my husband and I were lucky enough to get away for a weekend with just the two of us. We went to Portland, Oregon for the first time and loved every minute of it. (Well, I guess we didn't love the football game we went to where Arizona lost to Oregon 49-0, but it was still fun.)

One of our favorite things to do when we travel is find good places to eat. We certainly did our share of eating during our 4 day vacation. The key is to share things and order portions as small as possible so that you will still be hungry when another delicious food opportunity presents itself. Our favorite way to find new places is to use Yelp. It hasn't led us astray yet.

Of course, not only do we enjoy eating the food, but we like to take pictures of it too. Luckily, my husband loves taking pictures as much as I do, so we always have a nice collection of photos once we return home from vacations.

Here are our favorite food finds from the trip:

Pine State Biscuits - Fresh biscuit sandwiches piled high with fried chicken, eggs and lots of other topping options. We found this place while we were out looking at some shops. There was a long line out the door, so we consulted Yelp to discover that this is a 4 1/2 star place that we must try.

Cacao - Spiced Dark Hot Chocolate. Need I say more? You can also get a shot glass of super dark chocolate. May have to try that if we go back.

Grilled Cheese Grill - This place cooked up one of the best grilled cheese sandwiches I've ever had. I tried the BABS (Bacon, thinly sliced apples, crumbled bleu cheese and swiss on rye.) Of course, we ordered tomato soup to go with it. The coolest thing about this place is that you get to eat on an old school bus.

Thai Food Truck - Sorry, I don't have a link to this one, but Portland has over 600 food trucks and it seems like at least 1/3 served Thai food, so if you visit Portland I'm sure you'll find something good.

Salt & Straw - Homemade ice cream with amazing flavors. I had the salted carmel and really wanted to back the next day for more.

Thankfully we did a lot of walking so I'm hoping we didn't do too much food damage. 

Did you see that the October Scrapbook Circle Kit, New Flash, went live today?  Loving the pretty colors and embellishments in this kit.

Hope you have an enjoyable weekend! We don't have any set plans for tonight which sounds perfect to me. We'll probably pick up some dinner and relax at home.

Layout Supplies /// News Flash Kit /// Bulletin Add-on /// Happening Now Add-on


  1. This is AWESOME Lisa!! I loveeeeeeeeee all the photos, the wood embellie and loveeeeeee the arrow!!!!!

  2. Love your ode to food layout and restaurant reviews!

  3. hi !! I love this layout so much and Ia am in owe of your october kit!! love the colors and wooden accents! have a great week end! hugs

  4. Looks like a great foody weekend. I'm glad its not just us who loves to eat the whole time when we go on a trip! Although my husband doesn't really like taking pics! You're lucky! I love this layout!

  5. LOVE yelp! I think you were the one that told me about it! :0) Thanks inspiring me with your food layout--FANTASTIC!

  6. Great food layout, Lisa! Glad you had a good trip with your hubby!!

  7. All that food sounds amazing! We so miss living in a city with cool little restaurants. So fun that you both love to try things and take pics too and I love the layout documenting it all :)

  8. Can I hitch a ride with you on your next trip?? Sounds like an amazing time and the resulting awesome layout is a bonus!
