
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Flat Sonoran Enchiladas

Today I want to share one of our long time favorite family recipes with you: Flat Sonoran Style Enchiladas.

I've been enjoying these flat enchiladas since I was a kid. They were called "dad's enchiladas" when I was going up because it was one of my dad's specialty dishes. He didn't cook a lot , but this was something that he had mastered. He learned the recipe from his mom who grew up in Mexico. They like to top these enchiladas with a fried egg in Mexico, but that didn't carry over to how we make them.


1 lb ground beef (I've also subbed ground turkey at times)
2 cans (28 ounces each) tomato sauce
1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste
Grated Cheese
Corn Tortillas - you will need 2-3 tortillas per person
2 tsp. Garlic Powder
1 tsp. Chili Powder
1/2 tsp. Cumin
Oil for frying

Optional Toppings:
Sour Cream
Diced Green Onions
Sliced Olives

1. Brown the meat in a sauce pan.

2. Once meat it cooked, add tomato sauce and tomato paste to the meat.  Season with spices (adjust amounts to your liking.)

3. Allow sauce to simmer for about 30 minutes so that the flavors can really mix. You may need to add a little water if the sauce gets too thick.

4. When you are ready to eat, it's time for the enchilada assembly. Each serving of enchiladas is built on each person's dinner plate. Be sure to have everything ready because assembly goes quickly.

5. Heat up some canola oil. Once it is hot enough to fry tortillas, quickly dip a tortilla in the oil to soften it up and then put it in the enchilada sauce.

6. Coat the tortilla with sauce and then place on a plate. Add a spoonful of sauce on top of the tortilla. Add some grated cheese.

7. Repeat with as many layers of enchiladas that you would like. We usually do 2 layers.

8.  Top with any optional toppings.

That's it! Let me know if you give these a try.


  1. this sounds YUMMY! and BONUS I have ALL the ingredients! :) Thanks for helping me to change up the dinner menu!

  2. sounds yummy; can't wait to try!

  3. we love ALL Mexican food so I will have to give them a try!
