
Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy 8th Birthday, Hannah!

Today we are celebrating our baby girl's 8th birthday. Time continues to move at lightening speed!

We started off the day with these birthday cake pancakes.

I'm not generally a big pancake lover, but these were actually pretty good. We stacked up a bunch of pancakes and sliced them like cake. Fun way to start the day!

Here's a look at our 8th year old!

It's a party weekend around here. Tonight we are actually having a birthday party for Max and tomorrow night will be Hannah's party. It's a little backwards, but the timing worked out better for what we were doing for each party. That's what's happens when kids have birthdays just a weeks a part in our house.

Just for fun, I asked Hannah a few of her current favorites:

T.V. Show: The Saddle Club
Book: Magic Rainbow Books
Sport: Soccer
Treat: Strawberry Shortcake
Toy: Barbies
Movie: Ella Enchanted
Free Time Activity: Swimming
Game: Life
Breakfast: Hash browns, waffles and veggie sausage
Lunch: Raman Noodles
Dinner: Food at Joe's Farm Grill
Vacation: Visiting cousins
School Recess: Jump Rope
School Subject: Reading

Hope you have a fabulous weekend!


  1. very cute! will make a great scrapbook page! :)

  2. Happy Birthday!!!!! I loveeeeeeeee the pancakes!!!!! We are doing Brookie's birthday party tomorrow too!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday to the BEAUTIFUL Ms. H! Those pancakes look YUMMY!

  4. How cute are those Birthday pancakes! Happy Birthday to your DD!

  5. Happy Birthday to Hannah! MMMMMMMM those pancakes look so delicious and fun!
