
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Our Lego Loving Boy

For the past few years, Max has asked for Legos for his birthday and Christmas. His birthday requests earlier this month were no exception. Max is lucky because his birthday always falls during our fall break and he gets lots of extra time to enjoy his gifts. So the morning after his party, he set to work on the floor by me in my scrapbook room and started building his new Legos sets.

He will sit for hours building until a set is finished. I love that.

It was nice to have a little companion near me while I was working. It was also nice that I thought to pull the camera out and snap some photos.

I love it when these little moments are captured and documented. Sometimes I feel sad that time is going so fast and our kids are growing up so quickly. Looking at these photos reminds me that I still have a sweet young boy at home and that there is still plenty of time to enjoy him before he is all grown up.

Layout Supplies /// News Flash Kit /// Bulletin Kit /// Happening Now Kit


  1. cute pic and great use of white space!

  2. Just gorgeous! I love love love love the photos and loving that heart!! And Adam loves Legos too!! lol!! The sets as he has gotten older are harder on the budget! LOL!! :)

  3. My son, who is now 17, loved legos!
    It was the only thing he asked for.
    When he gets really bored, he still pulls them out sometimes!
    Great page! I love white BGs even though I am not very good w/ them!
    The little strips and pieces surrounding the pics is a great way to add a burst of color! Love it!

  4. what great pictures of Max assembling--GREAT layout!

  5. I love this page! Love it!! Great white space and love the pics.
