
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Project Life: August 19 - 25

Today I'd like to share another week of my Project Life Album from back in August. This was a pretty typical week for us. School had been back in session for about a month and we were in full swing with homework and after school activities.

When I went to put this week together, I discovered that I didn't take many pictures, so I printed off a screen shot of my calendar to include in a few of the slots.  In ways it's nice when I don't have a lot of pictures because then I need to get creative with things to fill the space.

Teaching Primary @ Church /// The Busy Afternoon Calendar

Rain! (Always an exciting thing in Phoenix) /// Water Softener Garage Flood /// Off to a Meeting /// Fruit Pizza for FHE /// Friday Night Lights

I'm continuing to keep it simple and use up things on my desk. I have a big stack of tags that are my go to embellishment and it's exciting to use up extra supplies.

Hope you are having a great Tuesday!


  1. this looks GREAT! I really like the idea of printing off a screen shot of the calendar--CLEVER!!

  2. This looks AWESOME!!!! Total genius to use the calendar in place of photos!!!!
