
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Cub Scout Day Camp

This past summer Max spent 3 days at a cub scout day camp. I went along on one of the days and we had a lot of fun together. This camp was pretty much all outside. In June. In the summer. Yes, it was very hot, but the camp did a great job keeping everyone wet and in the shade as much as possible.

The boys got to do archery, BB gun shooting, swimming, panning for gold, whittling and lots of water balloon throwing.

I had a lot of photos that I wanted to use on this page and I liked how this page came together this summer and designed to lift my layout. It seemed to work for this page too.

It was so fun to get to go along to cub scout camp for a day!

On another note, election day to all of my USA friends. Hope you made it to the polls. I did! We have plans to watch all of the results come in tonight. So exciting!


  1. Both the original and lift look great! I like when an old layout can be used as the inspiration of a new one...takes a lot of the work out of it!

  2. GREAT layout Lisa! I really like the arrows on the layout--Yep I voted!! Not looking at ANY news yet...when it gets closer to the poles closing then I will!
