
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Project Life : August 26 - September 1

The week that is documented here for Project Life was full and fun. There were a couple half days from school, an afternoon trip to the lake and a little weekend getaway to the pines about 2.5 hours north of our house for Labor Day. 

I love busy weeks like this not only because it is fun to mix up our usual daily routine, but I also seem to take a lot more pictures which is perfect for filling up PL pages.

Night Swim /// Homework in the Car /// Dinner @ Grandpa and Grandma's /// Chicken & Salad for Dinner /// Using Online Textbooks

This spread is all about our weekend in Flagstaff. I took so many pictures, that I even had an insert.

Mini Golf in Flagstaff /// Date Night /// Craft Fair /// Frisbee Golf /// Picnic /// New Hats

Internet on the Road /// Bosa Donuts /// Friends

Here's a look at the other side of the insert that faces the first page.

We're on a Boat!

Okay, that's it for the last week in August!  I'm excited to be catching up on sharing these pages. I really am having fun putting them together and how this album is coming together.

1 comment:

  1. These are awesome!! Is that a pic of you aqua/black shirt??? That is an AWESOME pic! I love it!!!!
