
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Project Life: September 23 - 29

Hopefully you aren't too tired of my recent Project Life pages. I got pretty far behind on sharing and I'm doing my best to get caught up. The pages in my album are almost current and that is a great feeling.

This last week in September was filled with regular life goodness. One of my favorite things on this week's pages is the food packaging. I need to remember to save more things like that to use on the pages.

At the Library /// Audrey & Lizzie /// Fav Drink /// State Capitol Field Trip /// Chocolate Chips

Max & His Weekly School Reflection Sheet /// Ivy & Hannah /// On the Boat /// Playing Soccer

Lots of bits and pieces are now documented. Thankful for this project!


  1. this looks GREAT--I really like how you have packaging--so fun!

  2. Loving how you added packaging to this weeks pages!!! GORGEOUS!!!
