
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Heavy Heart

The past few days I have had such a heavy heart because of the tragic shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. Being a mom and a former elementary school teacher, this hits so close to my heart. I am praying that those families who lost their loved ones will have peace and be surrounded by an outpouring of love.

This has helped me to pause and reflect on my time with my own kids. I'm trying to be more patient. More loving. More kind. More thoughtful.

Tonight I'm hoping to make snowflakes as a family to send to Sandy Hook Elementary. Details about this project can be found on my friend Allison's blog. Although this is something very small, it is our way of showing our love and support.

Life continues to press forward. We were able to attend our annual family Christmas party last night. Our kids always like to point out that we don't get the "real" Santa at our party.  Want proof?  Here's "Santa" adjusting his beard.

But we know that this Santa is probably reporting to the real Santa, so it's best to always let him know what is on your wish list. We learned last night that Hannah wants a bike. First we've heard of that!

I just love her happy smiling face!

On Sunday, we snapped a few family pictures after church so that we would have one of our Christmas card. Our favorite went out in our cards (mailed today), but here's a look at a few of the others.

I'm feeling very grateful and blessed.


  1. that is so sweet of you to send snowflakes and I love your family pictures

  2. Love the family pics! And I agree about the heavy heart. I've been squeezing Nate so tight and so often he's starting to wonder about my sanity. (we didn't tell him what happened.)
