
Friday, January 4, 2013

December Daily Days 16 - 25

I'm wrapping up my December Daily pages today. Yes, this probably should have been done in December, but better late than never, right?

On day 16, I included our family Christmas card + photo. My husband designed our card this year and loved that it was a one of a kind card.

A quick visit with Santa at our family Christmas party. We are lucky enough to live near a lot of family and went to a party where about 80 family members got together to celebrate Christmas.

Our cards are in the mail! I always feels like a great accomplishment when the Christmas cards are sent.

Making salsa. One of our family traditions is to deliver chips and homemade salsa to our neighborhood friends. We think it's a nice break from all of the sugar.

Class winter party. I'm a room mom in Hannah's class and we had fun at her class party. That night our boys brought home a special Starbucks hot chocolate delivery. Even though the hot chocolate delivery isn't an annual tradition, I love that I have a place to document this photo and memory.

Our 16th wedding anniversary!  We had a great night checking out these shops, eating dinner at Chelsea's kitchen, getting dessert at Sugar Bowl and seeing the movie Lincoln. Such a fun night!

Most of the presents were wrapped and under the tree. This was a bit of an accomplishment because some years the wrapping hasn't started until Christmas Eve.

Prepping some asparagus to take to my parents' house for dinner. Plus the girls set up a school in their bedroom and had their friends come over to play along. They spent 3 hours that afternoon playing school. Loved it!

Christmas Eve! We started the festivities at Benihana for our traditional lunch with friends. This place is perfect for lunch because it's not very busy, the prices are cheaper and the kids (and parents) are entertained throughout the meal.

We spent the evening at my mother in law's house enjoying our traditional Mexican feast and opening of presents.

We finished off the night by stoping by my parents' house for reading and acting out the nativity and a Christmas Eve toast.

The final page of the album covers Christmas day. We started off the morning with the 5 of us opening gifts and then we had family come over for brunch. After a nice afternoon nap, we went to my parents' house for an Italian feast.

Yes, I feel blessed to have such a great month. I think documenting it makes me even more grateful because I can write about all we did and look back at the great memories we made as a family. Sometimes it takes some work and effort to make everything happen, but in the end, I think the traditions and memories are the things that help our family grow stronger and it's worth the effort.

Other pages from this year's album:

December Daily Day 1 - 5, 2012

December Daily Days 6 - 15, 2012


  1. your pages look fantastic--I haven't finished mine either! this weekend for sure!

  2. Loveeeeeeeeee your pages Lisa!!!! I love love love love your family Christmas photo!! Beautiful!!!

  3. What a fabulous daily! I am hoping to finish mine up soon-better late than never right?
