
Monday, January 21, 2013

Pinterest Group: Framed Heart Roses

Last week, I got together with a group of friends for our monthly Pinterest group. Actually it has been held much less than monthly lately, but I think we are getting back onto schedule now that the holiday season is behind us.

Our Pinterest group gets together to create a craft inspired by something found on Pinterest and we each bring something to eat (can be inspired by Pinterest too!)

This is where we found our project >>> Framed Heart

Here's a look at my finished project.

Love this project because it was practically free. The frame was collecting dust in a closet and burlap and felt are really inexpensive.

The project is came together pretty fast. The hardest part was figuring out the right arrangement of flowers so that they resembled a heart.

To make the flowers, we just cut freehand circles out of felt and then cut the circle into a spiral. Then starting at the middle of the circle, the felt is spiraled until it resembled a flower.

Flowers were hot glued to the burlap and that was it!

I'm adding this little frame to our buffet and hope to add a few other touches soon.

Thanks for stopping by today!