
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Project Life: November 2012

We had a lot going on last November and I'm happy that most of our family comings and goings were documented in our Project Life album. Every time I think that I may not do Project Life this year, then I look back at the 2012 pages and love how much I was able to document. Still not sure on the 2013 PL plan, but I'll need to figure it out soon!

Here's a look at the November pages.

November 4 - 10

The top image show the spread with inserts. I ended up doing inserts three out of four weeks this month. This album is the prefect place to collect all of the programs and tickets that I always want to save, but before this album, didn't really have a place to put them.

November 11 - 17

During this week in November, our family flew up to Salt Lake City in Utah to be with my sister for a talk she gave at church before leaving on an 18 month mission. I had extra trip photos, a cookie shop napkin and a church program that all went into the inset pages.

November 18 - 24

This was Thanksgiving week. Plus we celebrated my husband's birthday. We also went to the lake that week. Yes, the water was too cold, but that didn't stop most of us from getting in the water.

November 25 - December 1

This week my sister left on her church mission and we had one last phone call before she left. We also kicked off the holiday season with our girls singing with the Chandler Children's Choir in the Chandler City of Lights Parade. Good times, good memories. 

Now November 2012 is in the books!


  1. I love the look of the PL pages but it is way too much of a commitment for me!!! I haven't even completed my December Daily yet and I even planned on doing a very "watered down" version of it!!! Good luck on what ever you decide to do (but hurry up, LOL!)

  2. Looks awesome Lisa!!! LOVING the colors and love love love the photos!!!

  3. looking REAL good Lisa--WTG!! Still working on December daily--and THAT is okay! ;)
