
Friday, March 1, 2013

Project Life: January 13 - 19

Looking for the Glitz Designs Blog Hop?  It's here >>> Click

I'm feeling pretty behind on Project Life, but I'm note worried about it. I'm keeping it simple and will keep plugging along.The second week of the year is now complete!

Ward Working /// Running Club Certificate /// Chilly Weather /// Game Night /// Cruise Prep /// Reading ///Another Game Night /// Chocolate Drizzle Popcorn

CHA Catalogs /// Beginning Horse Lessons /// Evening Relaxation /// Legos! /// Blind Makeover /// Forever 21 /// Lentil Tacos /// Game Night Treats

Although it isn't fancy, I'm happy to have all of these moments documented! Now I'm off to print more pictures for week 3!


  1. It looks great--I'm feeling the same way but really I'm not worried about it either! :)
