
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Project Life: Week 5

I haven't had very much time for creating lately. Our move is taking up a lot of my time since I'm meeting with contractors, driving an hour round trip almost daily and starting to pack and move things. It will all be worth it once we are moved!

Luckily, I have been able to do some Project Life spreads. They don't take as much time as regular layouts, so I'm able to squeeze in bits of time with this.

I apparently didn't do a very good job taking photos this week because there were not many to choose from. Thankfully, I had collected a couple of bags, a receipt and a ribbon to help in in the space. I'm happy when the pictures are a little low because it forces me to record other pieces from our daily life.

Super Bowl Party /// Haircut /// Petting Zoo Birthday Party

Haircut Receipt /// School Pick Up Line /// Dinner @ Gramps and Charlotte's House

That's it for the first full week of February!

Tomorrow morning I'll be at our new house meeting with someone from SPR irrigation who is going to teach me how to turn the water on and off. We've never had irrigation before, so this is a whole new things for me.  Good times!


  1. The house is coming together! YAY! I loveeeeeee your PL pages!! Beautiful!!

  2. WAY to keep it together my friend! Love the project life!
